The exhibition was hosted by Lifelounge. It was a collaboration with Work Safe Victoria and dface to remind the "younger kids" about safety at work. I'm not sure how exactly they aimed to achieve this, because most of the crew were just drinking and doing the usual "oo lalaa" smooshing!
Overall fabulous night, with rides on the carousel, hot dogs and fairy floss with the gorgeous Brooke and M.A.F.I.A running around with her new Canon D50 making me ever so jealous. Also bumped into that crazy cat Frank Tribianni from Mammoth Mammoth and Marmalade. Mad Man! Love it! Love him!
Dface only had 3 pieces on show (from what I could see), but the sculpture outside Luna Park was enough to steal the show. Definitely much better than that shite Kris Krink exhibition I went to a while ago. Don't get me wrong, love Krink's work, but his opening night exhibition in Melbourne was an utter waste of time.
Go dface!